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Wild Web Designs is the one stop place for your Home Page needs. We can design the page and all your custom graphics. You can be up and online with your business, or personal page, in a matter of days. If you know what you want or have just a simple idea, we at Wild Web Designs can create it. We pride ourselves in being able to put what you want and how you want it together in a very attractive and eye catching way. With that you are more assured repeat customers to your page. With flashy and fast loading graphics on your pages, people will remember your site much easier and will tell there friends about it.

Have you ever been to a site that was suppose to be from a huge company and found misspelled words on it. Yea, so have we, and with our pages there are no misspelled words. Many of these larger sites have many people working on your sites, well here we assign your page to one person to create. That way your site has the more personal touch to it.

In these pages we offer, free to you, some Microsoft PLUS! Themes. These themes have all been created by the people here. None of them are offered on any other free site. We also offer free to you some backgrounds and a few graphics we have created for the internet. All backgrounds are seamless and free to use to beautify your web pages. The Links page has links to several sites we have created for others. Also there are many helpful links for your surfing pleasures.

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