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I see you are interested in PLUS! Themes. I don't have many on here yet, I am still working on them. The ones I do have here I made for some really close and dear friends of mine and they loved them. There are hundreds of different themes on the internet you can download for free. So many different topics and choices to make. You can have a different one for every day of the year of that is what you want.

Every thing from A-XXX. If your mind can imagine it then it can be found. If not drop me an E-Mail, and I will make it for you. You will have to give me some time to create it because I am so busy. Don't worry though I will get to you and make what your mind has imagined.

Hope you enjoy the ones I have on here. There will be more to come in the near future. Enjoy and have fun computing.

In able to use these zip files you will first need WINZIP. You can download it by going to their site (Click here) You will then need to get Microsoft PLUS! for windows. If you don't have it there are some other programs you can download off the internet that work the same. You can also purchase the Microsoft version at your local retailer.

Winnie the Pooh
Tweety Bird
Windows for Rednecks
Ted Nugent
Christmas '99

All graphics designed using these programs.
Check them out and download a free shareware version.


I got it for free at

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